Low Growing Garden Hedge Plants

Low Growing Formal Hedge

If we paint a picture of a low growing hedge, then the formal box hedges of parterre gardens often come to mind, Without doubt the most popular low growing garden hedge would be some form of box hedging.

Buxus sempervirens is the common or european box is widely used, and Buxus sempervirens Suffruticosa is probably the lowest growing of them all. However with many other plants well suited to a small hedge you can choose something a little different.

Low growing formal hedges are often used as borders along pathways leading to entrances, or as a border between path and garden.

Choosing the right low hedge

As with any hedge the requirement will change a little depending on the landscaping requirements, so consider the following factors

Low Growing Hedge

Best Low Growing Hedges



Top Tips

John Allman 

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